Welcome to the Samos Animal Welfare Association

A destination full of love, care and dedication to animals on the island of Samos. Get to know our activities and become a participant in our work!

Welcome to the Samos Animal Welfare Association

The Samos Animal Welfare Association was founded in 2017 in order to fill the gap that existed and still exists in the protection and care of stray pets. It is a non-profit, charitable association, not subsidized by the Greek state or the EU and relies solely on the contributions of its members, donations, sponsorships and events that are carried out for the achievement of its objectives, which is to improve the lives of stray and abused animals on our island.

Our vision is an aware society that respects every living being and our dream, a country without strays.


Below you can see our rescues available for adoption


A small donation from you is a big “breath of air” for us!